Peat Island

Current Planning proposal – September 2021

A Planning Proposal has been prepared for surplus Government owned land at Peat Island and Mooney Mooney (the site). 

The Planning Proposal seeks to facilitate the future redevelopment of the site, for a mix of residential, community, tourism and employment generating land uses. Under the Gosford Local Environmental Plan 2014 (GLEP 2014), the majority of the site is currently zoned SP2 Infrastructure and is identified on the zoning map as ‘Hospital’ (the entire Peat Island and majority of the main land is zoned for hospital use), ‘Road’, ‘Public Utility’, ‘Water Supply System’ and ‘Educational Establishment’ (for the former School) under GLEP 2014. It also includes areas zoned for RE1 Public Recreation.

The Planning Proposal and other relevant supporting documentation can be viewed and submissions made between 20 September and 20 December 2021 via Council’s website at

The community are invited to:

  • View the Draft Peat Island Planning Proposal (main document and technical documents)
  • Read the supporting documents including the FAQs available below

Have your say

Submissions are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 20 December 2021 via: